Cinderella: A Grimm’s Fairy Tale
‘Ulrike Haseloff’s soft illustration style perfectly complements this traditional tale, and Cinderella’s beautiful ball gown has been given some added sparkle with golden glitter … This book should provide lots of food for thought and discussion in the classroom where children will be interested to see how the story has been adapted over the years.’ — Armadillo ‘The pictures, even to the ship-in-full-sail hairdo on one stepsister, are based on 18th-century patterns and styles, and Cinderella’s dress has a satisfying quantity of gold floral glitter. This Germanic Cinderella is simple, direct and rather sweet.’ — Kirkus Review ‘The hats Cinderella’s sisters wear to the ball could have been worthy of Kate Middleton’s wedding. And on two picture of Cinderella’s ballgown, golden sparkly bits appear — literary an interesting touch!’ — The School Librarian