Sanchita: Selected Poems and Lyrics of Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam
Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam selected and compiled some of his best poems and lyrics in a volume and named it ‘Sanchita’- the selected poems and lyrics. Those resourceful poems and lyrics in the anthology ‘Sanchita’ uphold human dignity, religious harmony, truth, beauty, pain and love. His poems validated the philosophy of human values and social justice. The superb poetic excellence is manifested in every page of ‘Sanchita’-the masterpiece of literature. In his poetic works he captured the theme of humanity that readily demonstrated his feelings for the mankind, his rebelliousness against injustice and his emotions as a lover in concrete and sublime form. He merges himself with the beauteous hills, forests, birds, mountains, rivers, seas, sky and moon, all around him and expresses his feelings of happiness and pain. He seems to be a living embodiment of nature. The philosophy of universal equality of mankind reflects very much on the center theme of his poems. He urges the mankind to embrace the differences and hindrances that exist in the religion and society and bring them to one confluence of humanity.