Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets: 5 Questions To Help You Determine Your Next Move
Life is all about decision-making. Some choices lead to joy and become celebrated accomplishments, while others leave us filled with regret and disappointment. Your decisions determine the direction and quality of your life, and every decision you make becomes a permanent part of your story. They are the steering wheel of your life.In Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets, Andy Stanley helps readers to learn from experience and stop making bad decisions. He introduces five questions that provide a decision-making filter to help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets:,
∗Am I being honest with myself … really,
∗What story do I want to tell,
∗Is there a tension that deserves my attention,
∗What is the wise thing to do,
∗What does love require of meNobody plans to complicate their life with a bad decision. Yet too many people don’t plan not to. These five questions provide a simple safeguard to ensure a life with fewer regrets. And by incorporating these five questions into the rhythm of your life you’ll have the tools you need to write a fabulous story.This is the story of your life. You only get to write one. Make it a good one. Make it a story worth telling.