Slivers, Shards and Skerricks
This indefinitive collection brings together under one cover the very best comic writing – parody, poetry, prose, plays, philosophy, and political treatise – by Australia’s greatest living television host.
From “I Was Scott Morrison’s Schnoodle” and “Around the World in One Pair of Underpants” to the deliciously decadent recipe for “Satyricon Surprise”, Shaun Micallef’s sublime anthology has it all. Thrill to the meta-ironic existential crisis in the Rocky universe; gasp as you learn what happened to Scrooge in the days following A Christmas Carol; discover what it takes to pass for human in an increasingly convoluted post-Robodebt world.
PLUS, there are limericks like this:
There once was a poet who thought Using words like fought, ought and wrought Brought a purity sought But it all came to nought When he ended his last line with drought.