The Wishes of the Fish King
Fairy tales say that apples were golden only to refresh the forgotten moment when we found that they were green. They make rivers run with wine only to make us remember, for one wild moment, that they run with water.” –G.K. Chesteron, Orthodoxy
Penned by author, poet, and lyricist Douglas Kaine McKelvey (The Angel Knew Papa and the Dog) and illustrated by painter Jamin Still (Ellen and the Winter Wolves), The Wishes of the Fish King is a lyrical, luminous, hardback picture book, capturing the magic of that brief season when a child first ponders the wonder-filled world.
The story unfolds as a bright reminiscing, a joyful ache that hovers in that wonder-filled space between fantasy and reality. Expressed in the voice of a parent but seen through the innocent eyes and fantastic imagination of a child, The Wishes of the Fish King is all about “making us remember, for one wild moment,” the wonders of this brief, shared life. This is a story meant for generations to read aloud, share, and delight in together!